

Jan 26 2018

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Service Department of students of junior courses:

Subscription of educational literature for students of junior courses

Location: 1st educational building, 1st floor, 103 aud.

  • Books, manuals, educational-methodical literature, branch reference books in Kazakh, Russian languages. On social-economical sciences: Mathematics, Geodesy, Physics, Geology. On general –technical disciplines: Draughtsmanship, Theoretical mechanics, Study of strength of materials, Applied Mechanics. Branch literature on Mining, Machine building, Construction, Computer engineering, Measurement device, Electromechanics, Applied Economy.
  • Books, educational-methodical manuals in Kazakh, Russian, English, German, French languages, language dictionaries of general character and technical.
  • Scientific and educational literature. References.
  • Artistic literature.
  • Auto transport, Automobile building, Organization and Exploitation.
  • Rail transport, industrial, manual, organization and exploitation of railway transport.
  • Branch literature on transport:


Reading room

Location: 1st educational building, 1st floor, 103 aud.


  • Official editions: laws, decrees, enactments and other directive materials of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Encyclopedias, dictionaries, references: universal, branch, language, terminological, defining and etc.
  • Manuals, educational-methodological manuals, laboratory works (in Kazakh, Russian, foreign languages):
  • History, Economics, Policy, Aesthetics, Religion and etc.
  • Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geodesy, Geology.
  • Theoretical Mechanics, Strength of materials, Machine elements
  • Mining, machine building, Transport, Construction, Electromechanics, Computer Engineering.


Service department of students of senior courses:

Lending library of scientific literature for students of senior courses

Location: main building, 1st floor, 140 aud.


  • Books, educational manuals, educational-methodological literature, branch references.
  • Social-political literature.
  • Scientific literature on branches of knowledge.
  • Normative, productive-practical editions (VSN, SN, ENIR, SNIP, UKN, directions).
  • Albums, atlases on all branches (except transport).
  • Literature on art:
  • Russian, Soviet, foreign
  • Architecture
  • Artistic photography
  • Cinematography
  • Music
  • Theatre
  • Physical culture and sport


Electronic reading room

Location: main building, 2nd floor, 254 aud.

  • Provides access to full-text electronic documents posted on the University‘s Internet, national and global resources.
  • Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books: universal, industry, linguistic, terminological, explanatory, etc.
  • Scientific, educational, educational and methodical literature.
  • Newspapers in Kazakh and Russian for the current year.


Information and bibliographic services

Location: main building, 2nd floor, room 254.

  • Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books: universal, industry, explanatory, terminological, linguistic, biobibliographic.
  • VINITI publications:
  • Abstracts of PhD and doctoral dissertations on the profile of the university.
  • Periodicals


Science and Technology Sector

Location: main building, 2nd floor, room 254.


  • State standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
  • National classifiers,
  • International and interstate standards,
  • National standards of the Russian Federation,
  • Industry standards,
  • Normative documents on standardization in the field of construction,
  • Guidance documents, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization,
  • DATABASE “Standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan”,
  • DATABASE “Technormative”.

Information support for scientific research:

  • Advising teaching staff, doctoral students, undergraduates
  • Working with author profiles of scientists
  • Classes for doctoral students and undergraduates on working with international citation databases

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