Sep 08 2020

The first fall series of Web of Science webinars

Schedule, September 2020Special webinar

Evaluation of scientific publications: modern tools and their correct application

Evaluation of scientific publications: modern tools and their correct application

- September 18, Friday, 11:00 – 13:00 (Moscow time)

conducted by Valentin Bogorov and Yuri Chekhovich

>> sign up

(registration for this webinar is carried out separately at this link)

Topic 1: Responsible Scientometrics: Data and Indicators

Lecturer: Valentin Bogorov, Head of Educational Programs Department, Clarivate

Announcement: Publication activity data are widely used to assess scientific productivity in different countries of the world, and various scientometric indicators are created on their basis. First, the history of the creation of modern scientometric indicators will be briefly considered. Qualitative scientometric analysis is based on qualitative data. Problems related to publication activity data. Key scientometric indicators, their capabilities and limitations. Principles of Responsible Scientometrics.

Topic 2: “Antiplagiat” system: correct use of modern borrowing detection tools by editors and authors

Lecturer: Yuri Chekhovich, Executive Director of Antiplagiat company, Ph.D.

Announcement: Modern information technologies have made available to the modern author huge amounts of information, including a large number of scientific publications. Without the study of these publications, it is often impossible to conduct high-quality scientific research. How can an author use the texts of publications of other authors and not be accused of plagiarism? Can the author use the texts of his previous works? How does an editor make decisions when checking papers for borrowing? How to prevent the publication of a work with violations of scientific ethics and not scare away bona fide authors? The presentation will be devoted to these and many other issues.

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Feb 14 2020

Dear readers!

On February 17-21, 2020 the library holds Information Days.

 In a programme:

  1. 1. Exhibition-viewing of new literature and periodicals
10.00 – 17.00
  1. Training seminars::
  • partnership project “Library for Young Scientists”
  • About work with EDS “Student Consultant”
  • Teacher E-Catalog Features
  • About Aknurpress Digital Library

17.02 – 1100

18.02 – 1500

19.02 – 1500

20.02 – 1500

  • Consultations of library specialists:
  • Book supply disciplines
  • Periodicals electronic and traditional
  • International databases, publication activity



1500 – 1700

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Feb 10 2020

Dear readers!

We invite you to visit the exhibition of literature from the library in six areas of the Рухани жаңғыру project. We are waiting for you from 10.02.20g. on 02/14/20 in the foyer of 1 educational building.


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Feb 10 2020

Web of Science Webinars – February 2020


Schedule, February 2020

Series 1. Web of Science: a navigation system in the world of scientific publications

Information platform Web of Science: content, opportunities, application

Key features of the Web of Science information platform and the central Web of Science Core Collection database. Create a personal user profile. Search for scientific publications on a given topic. Analysis of the information received. Saving the necessary data. Access to full texts of scientific publications. Optimization of work: saving search histories, creating automatic alerts for new publications and citation.

- February 17, Monday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

>> registration

- February 25, Tuesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

>> registration Read the rest of this entry »

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Feb 07 2020



Until April 30, 2020, the Karaganda State Technical University was given free test access to the electronic library of the Grebennikov Publishing House: Grebennikon. EB GREBENNIKON is a practical guide on economics, management, marketing, advertising, management, etc. .. Currently, EB has over 40,000 articles. Read the rest of this entry »

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