Apr 26 2021

Dear teachers!

To help publishing activities, the service of remote assignment of the UDC / LBC code to educational, scientific publications, dissertations and articles is available.

To obtain the UDC / BBK indices and the copyright mark for a document, you must provide the following information:

• faculty, department, names of authors;

• title;

• detailed annotation or full text of the document;

• keywords;

• contact phone number.

For a document in English, the author must provide a translation of keywords and a detailed annotation in Russian.

UDC / BBK indices and the author’s mark are provided in the order of the general order within 1 working day.

The lead time can be extended up to 2 working days, depending on the number of orders, the complexity of the documents.

Ways of submitting a request for indexing publications and obtaining classification indices: by e-mail ( or WhatsApp.

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Apr 26 2021

Elsevier’s Scopus and ScienceDirect webinar program for 05.19 – 05.29.2020



We invite you to free webinars from Elsevier Central Asia in May. In this series, we answer a question that we often receive in feedback.

“How to write a successful scientific article for a journal that is included in the Scopus database?”

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Apr 26 2021

Special webinar with Antiplagiat: Plagiarism and its implications for magazines, organizations and authors

Без названия


Subject 1: Borrowing, plagiarism, citations and self-citation: putting things in order with “Antiplagiat”

1. The problem of “copy-paste” in scientific publications

2. Does the “Antiplagiat” system detect plagiarism?

3. Quote on health

4. Requirements of scientific journals for originality: formal and informal approach

5. Self-citation in scientific publications

6. Is it possible to cheat “Antiplagiat”?

7. Answers to questions from listeners

Speaker: Olga Belenkaya, Head of the educational and methodological center of the company “Antiplagiat”

Subject 2. How to write an article without plagiarism with Web of Science

1. The problem of plagiarism through the prism of Web of Science

2. Who studies, in which organizations, where they publish, which funds support the research data

3. Types of plagiarism, analysis of the causes

4. The publication process and its participants, their rights and obligations

5. The structure of the article. Registration of publications according to the format of the publication, without errors and with a minimum waste of time. EndNote Reference Manager

6. Risks and consequences of unethical behavior for the author, journal, organization, science

7. Answers to questions from listeners

Speaker: Irina Tikhonkova, Ph.D., information and analytical resources and training of Clarivate

Sign up now: Sign up

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Apr 26 2021

Dear Readers!


Until June 30, 2020, access to the electronic library of the «Гребенников» Publishing House is provided.

The electronic library contains the full texts of 38 scientific and practical journals on marketing, management, finance and personnel management.
Access to electronic banking Grebennikon
• login start64
• JPI password
The search for materials can be carried out by magazines, headings, subheadings, as well as by titles / parts of titles. In the free mode, you can read articles and watch videos.


Until June 15, 2020, access to 17 full-text scientific databases of EBSCO Information Services companies is provided.
This list includes multidisciplinary and highly specialized databases, as well as e-book collections, news feeds, and more. Free access for an unlimited number of concurrent users will be organized at the link:
Login: monrk
Password: dostup2020!

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Apr 15 2021

Dear Readers!

To assist you with remote learning, the university library website provides:
- certified electronic textbooks of the teaching staff of KSTU (WebIRBIS),
- “Electronic portfolio of a freshman” and “Case of a graduate student” (in the “Student” tab)
- “New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language“under the program “Рухани жаңғыру”. (sign up)
- Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library (RMEB),
- digital library for access use a single login:, and password: 123456,
- student electronic library “STUDENT CONSULTANT“,
- electronic library system “Лань“, registration according to the instructions,
- educational platform “Urait“.

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