

Mar 15 2019

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Webinars “Web of Science” March 18-27, 2019


Clarivate Analytics invites you to participate in a series of online seminars on topical issues of scientific publications from March 18 to March 27, 2019.

Part 1:

Information Tools for Authors of Scientific Publications

Basic skills of working with the information platform Web of Science: the search for scientific information
Key features of the Web of Science information platform and Web of Science Core Collection database. How to create a personal user profile. Most efficient ways to search scientific publications. Analysis of the information received. Opportunities to search for full texts of scientific publications. Alerts for new publications and citation.
- March 18, Monday 9:00 (Moscow Time)
- March 25, Monday 6:00 (Moscow Time)
- March 25, Monday 13:00 (Moscow Time)

Selection and evaluation of the journal for publication of scientific results (Journal Citation Reports)

Formats and business models of scientific journals. Attributes and indicators of high-quality scientific publications. Impact factor and quartile. Formating of the list of thematic publications for publication using the Web of Science, EndNote (Match) and Journal Citation Reports. Opportunities of an analytical tool Journal Citation Reports for evaluating and selecting a journal for the required parameters
- March 21, Thursday 9:00 (Moscow Time)
- March 26, Tuesday 6:00 (Moscow Time)
- March 26, Tuesday 13:00 (Moscow Time)

Search of publications by author and indicators of the scientist in the Web of Science

Possible difficulties in search “by author”. Analysis of the publication activity of the scientist, the creation and interpretation of citation reports (citation, Hirsch index, etc.). Features of the free author identifier ResearcherID for presenting a list of all publications of a scientist, evaluating his achievements according to the Web of Science and generating automatic reports on publishing activities for an arbitrary group of scientists.
- March 22, Friday 9:00 (Moscow Time)
- March 27, Wednesday 6:00 (Moscow Time)
- March 27, Wednesday 13:00 (Moscow Time)

Part 2:

Information tools for the analysis of scientific activity

Additional features of the Web of Science platform for analysis of scientific literature.
Advanced search features in the Web of Science Core Collection. Creating search queries using search fields and logical operators. Search in reference bibliography. Analysis of information in specialized databases and regional indices of scientific citation on the Web of Science platform.
- March 25, Monday 9:00 (Moscow Time)

Organization profile in the Web of Science: opportunities, creation, adjustment

The difficulty of finding publications of organizations. Using the “Address” search field and the SAME search operator in the Web of Science Core Collection database. Advanced search advanced search capabilities to identify and analyze organization publications. Algorithm for creating / adjusting the joint organization profile of the Organization Enhanced.
- March 26, Tuesday 9:00 (Moscow Time)

InCites opportunities for assessing the scientific activities of a country, organization, scientist

Survey seminar on the analytical resource InCites. Key indicators, and new features of the InCites tool, for a comprehensive assessment of scientific activities. Creation of basic and custom reports based on Web of Science data and their use for research planning.
- March 27, Wednesday 9:00 (Moscow Time)

Part 3:

Practical recommendations for publication in international journals

How to choose the best journal for your scientific publication and avoid unscrupulous journals
Indicators of high-quality scientific publication. Impact factor and quartile. Formation of the list of thematic publications for publication using the Web of Science, EndNote (Match) and Journal Citation Reports. The concept of predatory (garbage, unfair) magazine and its main features. Examples of predatory mailings: how to check where you were offered to send an article.
- March 18, Monday 16:00 (Moscow Time)
- March 19, Tuesday 10:00 (Moscow Time)

Creating your own library and bibliography lists (EndNote Online)

The process of preparing an article for submission to an international journal. Journal requirements for publication. Creating your own bibliographic database using EndNote Online. Sorting records, creating groups and controling access to them. Using bibliography templates. Using the Cite-While-You-Write module for Microsoft Word and creating a list of references directly while writing text.
- March 21, Thursday 16:00 (Moscow Time)
- March 20, Wednesday 10:00 (Moscow Time)

Basic requirements for publications in international journals

Expectations of an editor. The main causes of failures in the publications. Working with editor’s reviews. The structure of a scientific article. Practical advice on writing the main sections. Distinguishing features of academic English. Creating annotations. Writing headlines. Keyword selection.
- March 21, Friday 10:15 (MSK)
- March 22, Friday 16:00 (Moscow Time)

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