

Sep 10 2021

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Web of Science webinars in September

Clarivate Resources for Science Organizations

The webinars of this series are hosted by Varvara Sosedova.

1. Updated Journal Citation Reports

New edition of Journal Citation Reports. The new metric is the Journal Citation Indicator, which, unlike the impact factor, is calculated for all journals of the Web of Science Core Collection. What do these metrics say? How to use JCR to analyze editions for publication? How do I save a list of journals? Where can I see the impact factor and quartile?

- September 14, Tuesday 7:00 (Moscow time)

- September 15, Wednesday 14:00 (Moscow time)

- September 16, Thursday 10:00 (Moscow time)

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2. Creating and managing an organization profile in the Web of ScienceCreating an organization profile, updating organizational profiles: what is it for, how publications are linked to organizational profiles and what you can do if you suddenly notice documents that are not linked to your profile in Web of Science. We will also see what opportunities you have when an organization profile is created and regularly updated, and we will answer questions related to the assessment of the scientific performance of organizations.

- September 14, Tuesday 10:00 (Moscow time)

- September 15, Wednesday 7:00 (Moscow time)

- September 16, Thursday 14:00 (Moscow time)

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3. Analysis of the publication activity of the organization in InCites

In this webinar, we will figure out what opportunities for assessing the performance of an organization are in the analytical tool InCites. We will draw up a report on the organization in InCites, find out which directions, collaborations and authors are the most promising. Let’s analyze the magazines in which employees are published.

- September 14, Tuesday 14:00 (Moscow time)

- September 15, Wednesday 10:00 (Moscow time)

- September 16, Thursday 7:00 (Moscow time)

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Clarivate Science Resources

The webinars of this series are conducted by Irina Tikhonkova, Ph.D.

1. Search variations in the Web of Science Core Collection

Four types of searches are available in the Web of Science Core Collection, an abstracts, multidisciplinary base of scientific literature: basic and advanced, by author and in the community literature. At the webinar, we will consider the features of each search and find answers to frequently asked questions: is this document indexed, from what year is this journal in the database, what is its quartile, what is the Hirsch index of a given scientist, how many papers have been published by scientists of this organization over the past three years, how many the university has articles in the journals Nature and Science, how many articles in journals with an impact factor a given organization or country has, in which journals and by whom my articles published in a journal that is not included in the Web of Science Core Collection are cited, which areas are financed this grantor, whether compatriots received grants from this fund, in which magazines there are more works of a particular organization or country.

- September 21, Tuesday 09:00 (Moscow time)

- September 22, Wednesday 11:00 (Moscow time)

- September 23, Thursday 13:00 (Moscow time)

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2. Choosing a journal for publication

Choosing the right journal for publication allows you to demonstrate achievements, gain recognition in the scientific world, while publication in a predatory publication can negatively affect your scientific career. Over the more than 355-year history of journals, their number has grown significantly, formats, business models, types of reviews have changed, indicators of the publication’s influence have appeared: the impact factor and its variations, quartile, this year a new Journal Citation Indicator metric has appeared, but the main function of the journal is communicative – remained unchanged. At the webinar, we will analyze the signs of a good magazine; let’s talk about the mentioned indicators, as well as about the types of predatory journals and how not to be mistaken when choosing a journal for publication. We will select and save lists of journals with free publication using: Web of Science Core Collection, Manuscript Matcher (Master Journal List), Journal Citation Reports.

- September 21, Tuesday 11:00 (Moscow time)

- September 22, Wednesday 13:00 (Moscow time)

- September 23, Thursday 09:00 (Moscow time)

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3. Author identifiers: features and functions

The reasons for the difficulties in identifying and correctly assessing the work of a scientist may be: variations in transliteration, a common surname or its change. Inaccurate data can negatively affect attestation, reviews, when considering a grant application. The solution to this problem is the author’s profiles Publons, Orcid, ResearchGate, Google Scholar. The webinar will consider the capabilities, functions, creation / adjustment, advantages and disadvantages of these resources. How to present your work, is it possible to post the full texts of your articles, how to increase the citation rate of publications, why is my work not visible in the organization’s profile, and why is the Hirsch index different in different databases? About publications, citations, impact factors, journal quartiles and the new beamplot in the scientist’s profile in the new Web of Science interface.

- September 21, Tuesday 13:00 (Moscow time)

- September 22, Wednesday 09:00 (Moscow time)

- September 23, Thursday 11:00 (Moscow time)

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We are waiting for you at our webinars!

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