

Nov 08 2019

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Web of science webinars in November 2019


Clarivate Analytics invites you to participate in the next series of webinars from November 18 to 28, 2019.

Part 1: Web of Science: A Navigation System in the World of Scientific Publications

Information platform Web of Science: content, opportunities, application

Key features of the Web of Science information platform and the central Web of Science Core Collection database. Create a personal user profile. Search for scientific publications on a given topic. Analysis of the information received. Saving the necessary data. Access to full texts of scientific publications. Optimization of work: saving search histories, creating automatic alerts for new publications and citation.

- November 18, Monday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

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- November 18, Monday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

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Journal Citation Reports and impact factor: how to compare and select international scientific journals

Formats and business models of magazines. Characteristics of a quality scientific publication. Scientific journal citation indicators, impact factor and quartiles. Creating a list of thematic publications for publication using Web of Science, EndNote (Match) and Journal Citation Reports. Opportunities of the analytical tool Journal Citation Reports (JCR) for evaluating and selecting the magazine according to the required parameters. New in the JCR 2019 edition.

- November 19, Tuesday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

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- November 19, Tuesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

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Publons and ResearcherID: Search for publications, author profile, and publication activity metrics

Possible difficulties of searching by author and ways to solve them. Analysis of the publication activities of a scientist and a group of scientists, the creation and interpretation of citation reports (citations, Hirsch index, etc.). Creation, adjustment and features of the author’s profile in the Web of Science Researcher ID / Publons system: publications, metrics, reviewing.

- November 20, Wednesday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

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- November 20, Wednesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

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Part 2: Clarivate Analytics Performance Evaluation

Additional features of the Web of Science platform: grants and open access

Sources of information on grant support and open access on the Web of Science Core Collection platform. The algorithm for finding grants, evaluating leaders and your own chances. Using advanced search in Web of Science: search queries, fields and search operators. Search capabilities in the literature. A brief analysis of information in specialized databases and regional collections on the Web of Science platform. Answers to questions from students.

- November 26, Tuesday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- November 27, Wednesday 7:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- November 28, Thursday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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Evaluation of the publication activities of the organization: difficulties, opportunities, correct application

Analysis of the publication activities of the organization allows you to identify the most powerful research areas, units, scientists. Comparison of own achievements with leaders allows you to build an organization’s development strategy and identify successful practices. However, renaming or authoring variations of the organization’s translation leads to a large number of name variations and does not allow a quick search for all publications, which leads to inaccurate estimates and incorrect conclusions about publication activities. At the webinar, a detailed algorithm for creating and adjusting the profile of the organization will be presented and the main scientometric indicators will be considered. Answers to questions from students.

- November 26, Tuesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- November 27, Wednesday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- November 28, Thursday 7:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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Opportunities InCites: for planning the scientific activities of a scientist, organization, country

Introducing the InCites analytic tool: updated interface, metrics, metrics, filters, and delimiters. The use of the resource for a comparative assessment of the effectiveness and productivity of organizations. Creation of basic and user reports based on complete data and on user topics export results from the Web of Science Core Collection. Assessment of the effectiveness of cooperation at the country and institutional level. Online demo. Answers to questions from students.

- November 26, Tuesday 7:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- November 27, Wednesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- November 28, Thursday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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Part 3: Practical Guidelines for Publishing in International Journals

How to prepare a publication for an international magazine

Expectations of the editor. The main reasons for refusals in the publication. Work with revisions of reviewers. The structure of the scientific article. Practical tips for writing the main sections. Distinctive features of academic English. Drawing up annotations. Writing headlines. The choice of keywords.

- November 21, Thursday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

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- November 21, Thursday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

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EndNote Bibliography Features

The process of preparing an article for submission to an international journal. Magazine requirements for publication. Create your own bibliographic database using EndNote Online. Sorting records, creating groups and controlling access to them. Using bibliography design templates. Using the Cite-While-You-Write module for Microsoft Word and creating a list of references directly when writing text.

- November 22, Friday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

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- November 22, Friday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

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How to learn to understand international magazines

Indicators of a quality scientific publication. Impact factor and quartiles. Creating a list of thematic publications for publication using Web of Science, EndNote (Match) and Journal Citation Reports. The concept of a predatory (garbage, unscrupulous) magazine and its main features. Examples of predatory newsletters: how to check where you were asked to send an article.

- November 25, Monday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

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- November 25, Monday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

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We are waiting for you at our seminars! Our website

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