

Nov 01 2022

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We invite you to November Clarivate Webinars

November 2nd

Topic: Open access and open science

Theses: Another week of open access is scheduled for October 24-30. This year’s theme will be “Opening up for climate justice”. At the webinar, we will look at the causes, history and challenges of open access. What are open publications, what is their cost, is there a chance to publish for free. Let’s analyze the influence of open and traditional publications using Web of Science and InCites. Answers to the questions specified during registration.

Registration is open, follow the link, click on the word Register, fill out the form.


November 9th

Topic: Search and analysis of grant support in Web of Science

Theses: Search and analysis of data on grant support in publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection allows you to form a strategy for obtaining funding for your own work, find partners for joint projects and possible sources of funding, and evaluate your own chances according to the database. At the webinar, we will analyze the algorithm for finding answers to the following questions: Which funds funded research on my topic? What did a certain fund allocate grants for? In what grants did the scientist or organization take part, how effective were the collaborations with certain organizations. Answers to the questions specified during registration.

Registration is open, follow the link, click on the word Register, fill out the form.



November 16th

Topic: Researcher profile in Web of Science

Theses: In August 2022, data from Publons author profiles was moved to Web of Science. Several webinars were devoted to how to work with the updated author profile, but we still receive quite a lot of requests. This webinar will provide step-by-step instructions for creating and updating an author profile and answers to common questions and difficulties that authors have.

Registration is open, follow the link, click on the word Register, fill out the form.



November 23rd

Topic: How to choose a journal to publish

Theses: What are the criteria for the quality of scientific journals? What the impact factor, Journal Citation Indicator, quartile say. How to use Web of Science Core Collection, Manuscript Matcher (Master Journal List), Journal Citation Reports to find the best journal to publish. Answers to the questions specified during registration.

Registration is open, follow the link, click on the word Register, fill out the form.



November 30th

Topic: Formatting an article according to the format of an international journal

Theses: There are up to 6000 article formats in international journals. The publication accepts works designed only in a certain format. Formatting and re-formatting an article according to the journal format manually can lead to technical errors that can be regarded as unintentional plagiarism and affect the scientific reputation of the scientist. How to set up and use EndNote Reference Manager Answers to the questions specified during registration.

Registration is open, follow the link, click on the word Register, fill out the form.



Research Smarter Series

November 24th

Topic: Web of Science Clarivate Data and Metrics API

Theses: The Web of Science API easily integrates the world’s best publication and citation data, giving you the flexibility and control over the highest quality and normalized bibliometric metrics. Clarivate’s Web of Science APIs power your institution’s systems, your research portals, and your analysis and evaluation capabilities.

In the session, we will show how to integrate the Web of Science, InCites and JCR APIs, as well as practical examples of getting started. Join our experts to learn more about:

- API use cases (data integration and projects).

- How to access the API

Registration is open, follow the link, click on the word Register, fill out the form.


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