

Nov 23 2021

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Sector for scientific processing of literature and organization of catalogs

The department organizes and maintains the reference and retrieval apparatus of the library with the aim of multidimensional disclosure of the content of the library fund and providing readers with complete information through the catalog system.

  • The department creates electronic catalog databases.
  • The department maintains traditional (card) catalogs.
  • The department systematizes all documents received by the library according to the tables of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) and the Library-Bibliographic Classification (LBC).
  • The department subjects documents and creates a card and electronic alphabetic subject index (AAP).
  • The department catalogs documents (creates bibliographic records of incoming documents).
  • The department consults and searches for information on traditional and electronic catalogs.
  • The department indexes scientific works and teaching aids of the University staff, planned for publication.

Location: room 142, Main Building

Work phone: 56-59-32 (ext. 1059)

Working hours

Monday – Thursday 8.30 – 17.30

Friday – 8.30 – 17.00

Saturday, Sunday closed

Last Thursday of the month – cleaning day

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