Apr 15 2021

Dear students and teachers!

To assist distance learning, a service is available
Electronic document delivery (EDD).
EDD enables remote users to order and receive electronic copies of documents stored in the KSTU library fund.

The procedure and conditions for the electronic delivery of documents:
1. Electronic copies are made in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Copyright and Related Rights” dated June 10, 1996 No. 6-1 no more than 15% of the publication. Copying of publications in full is not performed.
2. To receive the EDD service, you must be a registered reader and have a valid email address.
3. Ordering and delivery of a document from the KSTU library fund is carried out on the basis of the search results in the electronic catalog (WebIRBIS).
4. Copy the search results, exact data of the book (First name and Last name of the author, title, year of publication) and add the received description to the request to the address or
5. In response to your request, the library staff will send a scanned table of contents of the requested publication.
6. It is necessary to clarify which chapters or pages you need by filling out the form. (Order form for electronic delivery of documents)
7. According to the EDD from the KSTU library fund, one reader can order no more than one edition per day.
8. Depending on the volume and complexity, the order is executed within 1 to 3 days after receiving the order.
9. Only pages or chapters of educational and scientific publications should be scanned.
10. Electronic copies of documents are sent to your specified e-mail address.
11. Orders for electronic delivery from other libraries will not be accepted.

Order form for electronic delivery of documents

KSTU library wishes you fruitful work!

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Apr 15 2021

Dear teachers and students!

As a reinforcement of the electronic library, the electronic document delivery service is available to students and university staff.
The procedure is as follows.
In the electronic catalog posted on the website of the university library, you need to find the publication you are interested in. Copy the exact data of the book (First name and Last name of the author, title, year of publication), add the received description to the request at,
In response to your request, the library staff will send a scanned table of contents of the requested publication. It is necessary to clarify which chapters you need, after which the specified scanned pages will be sent to you.

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Apr 15 2021

Dear Readers!

We remind you that within the framework of the National Subscription, our University has free access to the electronic resource Web of Science by Clarivate Analytics. Read the rest of this entry »

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Apr 15 2021


In connection with the transition of the university to distance learning, we remind you that ELS “Лань” has the possibility of remote registration and work.
If students and teachers did not manage to register with the ELS within the walls of the university, then they can do it remotely on any electronic device with Internet access. You do not need to be present at the library in order to register with the ELS, it is enough to send an application for registration.
All subscribers of ELS “Лань” were connected to automatic confirmation of registration applications for 2 months.

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Apr 15 2021

Web of Science Webinars – March 2020

Schedule, March 2020

Series 1. Web of Science: a navigation system in the world of scientific publications
Information platform Web of Science: content, possibilities, application
Key features of the Web of Science information platform and the Web of Science Core Collection central database. Creation of a personal user profile. Search for scientific publications on a given topic. Analysis of the information received. Saving the required data. Access to full texts of scientific publications. Optimization of work: saving search histories, creating automatic notifications for new publications and citations.
- March 16, Monday 9:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova
>> sign up
- March 20, Friday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova
>> sign up Read the rest of this entry »

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