May 11 2021

Web of Science Webinars – June 2020

June 2020 Schedule

Series 1. Web of Science: Search engine for scientific information

Information platform Web of Science: content, possibilities, application

Key features of the Web of Science information platform and the Web of Science Core Collection central database. Creation of a personal user profile. Search for scientific publications on a given topic. Analysis of the information received. Saving the required data. Access to full texts of scientific publications. Optimization of work: saving search histories, creating automatic notifications for new publications and citations.

- June 16, Tuesday 9:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

- June 26, Friday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valeria Kurmakaeva

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Techniques for specialized search in the Web of Science

Advanced search capabilities in the Web of Science Core Collection. Composing search queries using search fields and boolean operators. Search in the cited bibliography. Analysis of information in specialized databases and regional scientific citation indexes on the Web of Science platform.

- June 17, Wednesday 9:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

- June 29, Monday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valeria Kurmakaeva

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Publons and ResearcherID: Publication Search, Author Profile, and Publication Metrics

Possible difficulties of searching by author and ways to solve them. Analysis of the publication activity of a scientist and a group of scientists, creation and interpretation of citation reports (citations, Hirsch index, etc.). Creation, correction and capabilities of an author profile in the Web of Science Researcher ID / Publons system: publications, metrics, peer review.

- June 18, Thursday 9:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

- June 30, Tuesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valeria Kurmakaeva

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Series 2. Evaluation of the scientific impact of with Clarivate Tools

Assessing an organization’s performance in Web of Science: from creating a profile to a citation report

Difficulties in finding publications of the organization. Using the Address lookup field and SAME lookup operator in a Web of Science Core Collection database. Advanced search capabilities Advanced search to identify and analyze an organization’s publications. Algorithm for creating / updating a united organization profile Organization Enhanced. Creation of a citation report.

- June 23, Tuesday 9:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

- 23 June, Tuesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

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Possibilities of the InCites analytical system in assessing scientific performance

InCites is an analytical tool developed by Clarivate and built on data from the Web of Science Core Collection, the most authoritative science citation index. The seminar will show how the world’s leading universities and research organizations use this tool to understand their place in the global research process, to assess their strengths and weaknesses, and to understand in which sources it is better to publish their scientific results. The webinar will address the following issues:

- How the interface of the InCites system works

- How to benchmark an organization

- How to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your organization’s science

- How to understand in which journals your employees prefer to publish and how the choice of the journal affects the citation of works

- What subtleties exist in assessing the scientific performance of individual employees

Duration of the webinar: 1.5 hours.

- June 24, Wednesday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Pavel Kasyanov

- June 24, Wednesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Pavel Kasyanov

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Journal Citation Reports: Main Questions and New Answers

As usual, a new edition of Journal Citation Reports will be released at the end of June. What new functions and capabilities have already appeared in the system, what will appear in the near future and how best to use the Journal Citation Reports database to understand in which journals it is best to publish your results – both for an individual scientist and for a scientific organization in the whole.

- June 25, Thursday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Pavel Kasyanov

– 25 June, Thursday 14:00 (Moscow time) - conducted by Pavel Kasyanov

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Series 3: Practical Guidelines for Publication in International Journals

Series 3 webinars are hosted by Valeria Kurmakaeva

How to learn to understand international magazines

Indicators of a quality scientific publication. Impact factor and quartiles. Formation of a list of subject publications for publication using Web of Science, EndNote (Match), Journal Citation Reports, Master Journal List. The concept of a predatory (garbage, unscrupulous) magazine and its main features. Examples of predatory mailings: how to check where you were invited to send an article.

- June 16, Tuesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

- June 26, Friday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valeria Kurmakaeva

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EndNote bibliography features

Create your own bibliographic database using EndNote Online. Sort records, create groups and control access to them. Using bibliography design templates. Using the Cite-While-You-Write Module for Microsoft Word and creating a bibliography directly while writing the text.

– June 17, Wednesday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

– June 29, Monday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valeria Kurmakaeva

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How to prepare a publication for an international journal

The structure of the scientific article. Practical advice on writing the main sections. Distinctive features of academic English. Drawing up an annotation. Writing headers. Choice of keywords. The expectations of the editor. The main reasons for refusals to publish. Working with revisions of reviewers.

- June 18, Thursday 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Varvara Sosedova

- June 30, Tuesday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valeria Kurmakaeva

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We are waiting for you at our webinars!


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May 11 2021

Elsevier’s Scopus and ScienceDirect webinar program for 01.06. – 12.06.2020

1200px-Elsevier.svg_Dear and respected researchers, teachers, students and university librarians!

We invite you to free webinars from Elsevier Central Asia in June, we are repeating a series of webinars on:



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May 05 2021


The library offers services of remote assignment of the UDC / IRSTI index for scientific articles.

To obtain the indices, you must provide the following information by e-mail

Name of authors, faculty, department,

article title

abstract or full text of the document;

For a document in Kazakh or English, the author must necessarily provide a translation of keywords and a detailed annotation in Russian.

UDC / IRSTI indices in the order of the general order of orders within 1 working day.

The lead time can be extended up to 2 working days, depending on the number of orders, the complexity of the documents.

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Apr 26 2021

Webinars Web of Science + Special Series – April 2020

Schedule of April 2020 Special Series

Attention! Issuance of certificates for seminars of a special series is not provided.

What we know about coronaviruses: scientific sources

Publications on coronavirus infections in the world’s leading scientific journals included in the databases on the international platform Web of Science: Web of Science Core Collection, Medline, Russian Science Citation Index, Data Citation Index. Search for the most influential publications, authors and scientific organizations. Access to the full text of publications. Analyze virology journals using Journal Citation Reports. Information about coronaviruses in Clarivate biomedical resources. Work in self-isolation mode – the ability to remotely access information resources.

- April 9, Thursday, 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valentin Bogorov and Irina Tikhonkova, Ph.D.

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- April 9, Thursday, 14:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valentin Bogorov and Irina Tikhonkova, Ph.D.

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Apr 26 2021

Web of Science Webinars – May 2020

Schedule, May 2020

Series 1. Clarivate Tools for Effective Scientific activities

Series 1 webinars are hosted by Irina Tikhonkova, Ph.D.

Search capabilities of the Web of Science Core Collection database

Web of Science Core Collection: archive depth, selection, remote access capabilities, user account renewal. Available content: collections of SCIE, SSCI, ANCI and ESCI journals, monographs and conference proceedings. Search and analysis of literature, partnerships, journals for publication. What foundations have funded research on your topic? Have scientists from a particular country / organization received grants? Open access. Paid and free publications. How to find non-English content. Save selected results. Typical mistakes when searching. Answers to listeners’ questions.

- 12 May, Tuesday 8:00 (Moscow time)

- May 13, Wednesday 10:00 (Moscow time)

- May 14, Thursday 14:00 (Moscow time)

>> General registration page Read the rest of this entry »

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