Aug 04 2021

International scientific journal of the humanities and natural sciences











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Invites for cooperation in the publication of scientific works

The journal is in the public domain and included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on the platform

All articles published in the journal are assigned a DOI index free of charge.

All works published in it are taken into account when seeking academic degrees and titles, as a published scientific work.

All articles undergo mandatory reviewing with uploading reviews to the Elibrary portal

Articles of both established scientists and beginners (graduate students, masters, students) are accepted for publication.

The working language of the journal is Russian and English.



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Aug 04 2021

Webinar “Profiles of Authors and Profiles of Organizations in Scopus”


On June 29 at 15.00 (Moscow time) Galina Yakshonok (Elsevier) will hold a webinar for you on the topic “Authors’ profiles and organizational profiles in Scopus: principles of formation and possibilities for correction”.

You will be able to get acquainted in detail with the algorithm for forming the profiles of authors and organizations in Scopus and the possibilities of their correction.

The webinar will be useful for both administrative staff and researchers.

To participate in the webinar, you need to fill out the registration form


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Aug 04 2021

Dear Readers!

From 21.06.2021 to 31.08.2021 the library serves readers according to the summer schedule:

Monday – Thursday 8.30 – 17.30

Friday 8.30 – 17.00

Break 12.30 – 13.30

Saturday and Sunday – library is closed

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Aug 04 2021

Dear Readers!

On the website of the university library in the section “Jubilears Of KSTU” there are lists of works of the hero of the day of June, Professor Malybaev Saken Kadyrkenovich

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Aug 04 2021

Dear Readers!

On the website of the university library in the section “Jubilears Of KSTU” there are lists of works of the hero of the day of June, Professor Obukhov Yuri Dmitrievich

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