Sep 06 2021

Urayt: new items of the free access collection

The educational platform Urayt offers the following novelties of the Free Access collection. All books in the collection are completely free to use.

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Sep 06 2021

Dear Readers!

On the website of the university library in the section “Jubilears of KTU” there are lists of works of the Jubilear of September Professor Serikpai Kuspanovich Tutanov.

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Sep 06 2021

Dear Readers!

On the website of the library in the section “Virtual Penal Exhibitions” there is an exhibition “Тіл — достық пен келісім дәнекері. Язык – лучший посредник дружбы исогласия. Language is the best mediator of friendship and harmony”, dedicated to the Day of the languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan.

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Sep 01 2021

Dear Readers!

From 01.09.2021 the library serves the readers according to the schedule:
Monday – Thursday 8.30 – 17.30
Friday 8.30 – 17.00
Saturday 9.00 – 15.00
Sunday is a day off

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Aug 31 2021

Dear Readers!

On the website of the library in the section “Funds” – “Recommended” you can familiarize yourself with the bibliographic list of literature on the topic: “The 30th anniversary of the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

Kazakhstan became the first and only country in the world to voluntarily renounce nuclear weapons, thus demonstrating peacefulness and a responsible attitude towards the future of the whole world.

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