Jan 05 2022
Happy New Year!
Permanent link to this article: https://lib.kstu.kz/en/happy-new-year/
Nov 24 2021
Dear Readers!
For the Day of the First President, a book exhibition “Әлем мойындаған көшбасшы ” – “A leader recognized by the world” was arranged in the library.
You can get acquainted with the materials of the exhibition and documents from the archives of the First President in office 253 (main building).
Also on the website of the library in the section “Virtual Exhibitions” you can familiarize yourself with a virtual exhibition dedicated to the First President.
Permanent link to this article: https://lib.kstu.kz/en/dear-readers-154/
Nov 19 2021
“Scopus. Focus of the month: three easy ways to find a journal in Scopus” webinar
On November 23, 2021 at 12:00 (Moscow time) an Elsevier representative will hold a webinar for you on the topic: “Scopus. Focus of the Month: Three Easy Ways to Find a Journal in Scopus”.
Within the framework of the webinar, effective ways of selecting a journal for publication will be considered, they will tell you what you need to pay attention to when analyzing a publication, how to define a predator magazine, and much more.
Pre-registration required: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_G5zNDfT6Q_KJeTt6ViYQ1g
Please note that the indicated time is Moscow time.
Permanent link to this article: https://lib.kstu.kz/en/scopus-focus-of-the-month-three-easy-ways-to-find-a-journal-in-scopus-webinar/
Nov 15 2021
Clarivate webinars in October
1. Variety of searches in the Web of Science Core Collection
To obtain information in the Web of Science Core Collection, an abstract, multidisciplinary base of scientific literature, four types of searches are available: basic and advanced, by author and in the article literature. Let’s consider the algorithm and features of each search and find answers to frequently asked questions: is the journal indexed / since what year in the database; what is his impact factor and quartile; how many articles and what is the Hirsch index for a given scientist; how many works have been published by the employees of this organization in the last two years; how many are in the journals Nature and Science; how many articles in journals with an impact factor a given organization or country has; whether this document is indexed; in which journals and by whom my articles are cited; published in the journal; which is not part of the Web of Science Core Collection; what areas are financed by this grantor; whether compatriots received grants from this fund; which magazines have more works by our competitors or colleagues.
- October 19, Tuesday 10:00 (Moscow time)
- October 19, Tuesday 13:00 (Moscow time)
Permanent link to this article: https://lib.kstu.kz/en/clarivate-webinars-in-october/
Nov 08 2021
Freshman’s bookshelf!
Permanent link to this article: https://lib.kstu.kz/en/freshman-s-bookshelf/