Apr 22 2022

A series of webinars from IPR MEDIA

Select the event you are interested in and follow the link to register. All registered participants will receive a certificate. Read the rest of this entry »

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Apr 08 2022

Dear readers!

By the day of science, the library has arranged a book exhibition: “ҚарТУ: дәстүр мен жаңашылдық – KarTU: traditions and modernity”.
The works of professors of our university are presented to your attention.
You can get acquainted with the materials of the exhibition in the Electronic Reading Room of the Main Building Library (room 254).

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Apr 05 2022

April Clarivate Webinar Series

Clarivate Essentials Series
Every Wednesday, it is proposed to listen to a new topic, which will be held in two repetitions at 11:00 and 14:00 (Almaty time, GMT + 6), the duration of each webinar is 45 minutes. April 6, 2022. Basic features of the Web of Science Core Collection for scientific activitiesWeb characteristics of Science Core Collection. Creation and possibilities of a user profile. Search for scientific publications on a given topic. Analysis of the received information. Saving the necessary data. Access to full texts of scientific publications. Optimization of work: saving search histories, creating automatic alerts for new publications and citations. Answers to your questions.

Lecturer: Irina Tihonkova, Ph.D.

Registration: Choose a convenient time, follow the link, click on the word Register, fill out the form

- 11:00–11:45:
- 14:00–14:45:

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Apr 04 2022

Dear readers!

On the site in the section Electronic resources – Electronic thematic folders you can view libraries with articles from periodicals dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov. Read the rest of this entry »

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Apr 04 2022

Dear readers!

The library informs about the receipt of regular issues of electronic journals.

Access to them is carried out at the ip-addresses of the university through the library website: Electronic resources – Periodicals – Online access (

To get remote access to the journals, contact the Electronic Reading Room (room 254, main building).

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