Jun 03 2022

Free webinars in June from IPR MEDIA

Dear teachers and students!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the schedule of free webinars held by IPR MEDIA specialists in June 2022

June 8, 2022


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The first domestic platform for training personnel in the digital economy DataLIB: a digital library, SMART courses on end-to-end technologies, a designer of digital disciplines. Seminar for teachers, heads of educational programs and structural divisions


SPEAKER: Alexander KoshelevHead of the Department of Educational Programs of the IPR MEDIA Company, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor

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Jun 03 2022

New ELS LAN services

Lan Electronic Library System launched two new services:

“Self-preparation” in the form of testing and video recommendations for books with a selection of videos from educational YouTube channels.

We invite teachers and everyone on June 9 at 11:00 (Moscow time) to a webinar, where representatives of the ELS LAN will tell you how to work with new services and use them with benefit in the educational process.

To register, follow the link.

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Jun 03 2022

Webinar of the Grebennikov Publishing House

Topic: Research base and features of acquisition of library collections at new generation universities. Electronic library Grebennikon: what’s new? Content, service strategy, services in the field of scientometrics and bibliometrics.

Speaker: Arkady Khalyukov, General Director of the Grebennikov Publishing House, Candidate of Philology.

Time: June 16 at 12:00 (Moscow time).


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May 27 2022

Dear readers!

Your attention is invited to an exhibition dedicated to May 31 – the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions and Holodomor in Kazakhstan.

You can get acquainted with the exhibition in the section “Virtual exhibitions”

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May 04 2022

Dear readers!

We offer you exhibitions dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day. You can get acquainted with the exhibitions in the section “Virtual exhibitions”

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