Feb 16 2023

Webinar of the Grebennikov Publishing House

February 14 at 11:00 Moscow time (13:00 – Tashkent and Dushanbe, 14:00 – Astana and Bishkek) we invite you to Arkady Khalyukov’s webinar “Grebennikon Electronic Library: experience of cooperation with universities and libraries of Central Asia, main development prospects.Content, integration, services in the field of scientometrics”.

Speaker: Arkady Khalyukov, General Director of the Grebennikov Publishing House, Candidate of Philology. To read full information and find links to join the webinar press “Read the rest of this entry” button.

We invite representatives of all faculties, as well as all those who are interested, to the webinar!

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Feb 16 2023

Survey to improve the comfort and design of the premises

Changes are planned in the university library. We ask you to take part in a survey to improve the comfort and design of the library premises. The survey is located in the “Surveys” tab.

We welcome your feedback and ideas.

They will help us become even better.


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Feb 16 2023



Abylkas SaginovKaraganda Technical University has extended the annual access to the Electronic Library System “University Library Online” until 12/31/2023.Within the university network, access is provided without a password (authorization occurs by IP address) from computers of all structural divisions of the university through the library website.Remote access is also available.


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Feb 16 2023

Study without limits

Start, change, or advance your career with over 5,400 courses, professional certifications, and degree programs from world-class universities and companies.


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Feb 16 2023

We invite you to Clarivate January 2023 webinars

Clarivate Essential Series of Webinars

January 25, 2023

Topic: Web of Science Core Collection for Science

Abstracts: At the first webinar of the new 2023, we will clarify: how and why scientists use the Web of Science Core Collection in their work.Let’s dwell on the changes that affected the access and registration of users, let’s look at the possibilities of a personal account and its settings.We will work out the search and analysis of scientific literature.We will get answers to frequently asked questions: which works on my topic have attracted the most attention from scientists, which organization and scientist are leaders in this field, which funds have funded similar research, which journals to publish in, how to find free journals for publication, how to save the received data.Answers to questions from registration forms

Registration is open, follow the link, click on the word Register, fill out the form 15:00–15:45

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