May 27 2024


The SK-Electronic Library module now has a function for searching and viewing full-text documents in the electronic library “University Library ONLINE” through the Electronic Library Catalog.

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May 22 2024

Free webinar for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The international publishing house “EDP Hub” (Almaty) and IPR MEDIA (Moscow) invite teachers to a free webinar for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the national competition for teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate for every registered participant!

Date May 23, 2024 at 16:00

Registration via the link:

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May 21 2024

Dear readers!

Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University , from May 21st, 2024, as part of the national subscription of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has been provided with access to the full-text Wiley Online Library database from any university computer through the library website. Read the rest of this entry »

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May 20 2024

We invite you to Clarivate 2024 May webinars

May 21st, 2024

Topic: Professional, academic AI for researchers Web of Science

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May 13 2024

We invite you to Clarivate 2024 May webinars

May 14th, 2024

Topic: How to write a scientific paper (2): publication process, design of an article according to journal format, presentation in the author’s profile Read the rest of this entry »

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