May 02 2023

Clarivate Essential Series of webinars

May 3rd

Topic: Evaluation of scientific activity of the organization in Web of Science and InCites

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Apr 26 2023

Welcome to Clarivate April 2023 webinars

April 28th

Topic: Researcher profile in Web of Science

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Apr 24 2023

Welcome to Clarivate April 2023 webinars

April 26th

Topic: Opportunities of Web of Science for scientific activity

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Apr 24 2023

Getting ready for the session!

imagesSuccessfully prepare for the session and pass tests and exams without unnecessary worries – the information resources of the library are called upon!When preparing for exams and tests, we recommend using access to:

Republican interuniversity electronic library

Student’s bookshelf


Take advantage of our recommendation and pass all exams with excellent marks!

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Apr 20 2023

Breath of time

  ВЫСТ      For the 70th anniversary of the library KarTU named after Abylkas Saginov in the electronic reading room (room 254, main building) an exhibition was arranged. It presents the history of the library from 1953 to the present. Through documents, photographs and objects that librarians used in their work, different periods of the library’s life are shown.

We invite you to visit our exhibition.

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