

Jan 31 2024

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One country – one book – 2024


This year, as part of the Republican campaign “One Country-One Book”, we read the works of an outstanding Kazakh writer, classic of children’s literature-Berdibek Sokpakbaev, whose 100th anniversary is included in the calendar of memorable dates of UNESCO.

Campaign “One Country-One Book”

The task of the campaign is the popularization of Kazakh literature, the preservation of spiritual heritage, an increase in the interest of society in domestic literature, including classics, modern literature and poetry.

“One country – one book – 2024”

This year, as part of the Republican campaign “One Country-One Book”, we read the works of an outstanding Kazakh writer, classic of children’s literature-Berdibek Sokpakbaev, whose 100th anniversary is included in the calendar of memorable dates of UNESCO.

Sokpakbaev Berdibek Ydyrysovich (10/15/1924 – 06/24/1991) – Kazakhstani children’s writer, poet, screenwriter, member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan.

Berdibek Sokpakbaev was born in the village of Kostobe of the Narynkolsky district of the Alma-Ata region. He grew up in a curious and capable child. Love for knowledge was instilled in the boy by his older brother, who later died in the war.

After service in the army, B. Sokpakbaev graduated from the Philology Faculty of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay in Almaty, worked for several years as a teacher in a rural school, engaged in journalism, worked in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines “Қазақәдебиетi”, “Балдырған”. He was an editor at the Kazakhfilm film studio. He was always worried about the issues of pedagogy and children’s education. Much in the works of Berdibek Sokpakbaev is taken from the life of the author.

Berdibek Sokpakbaev began his writing career with a collection of poems “Бұлақ” (“Spring”). It was published in 1950 and immediately found its readers. The writer’s next books – the story “Champion” was released in 1951, “In a distant village” (novellete, 1953), “My name is Kozha” (novellete, 1957), “Journey to Childhood” (novellete, 1960), “The Dead Are Not are coming back”? “Where are you, Gauhar?” (novellete, 1966).

Berdibek Sokpakbaev is the author of several plays and film scripts. The feature film “My Name is Kozha” based on his script in 1967, was awarded an award at the Cannes International Film Festival.

In 1990, the republican literary magazine “Жулдыз” published the full version of the book “Ергежейлілерелінесаяхат” (Journey to the Land of Dwarves), which they did not dare publish in 1978.

You can familiarize yourself with the works of Berdibek Sokpakbayev available in the university library on the subscription of the Senior Student Services Department:

  1. Sokpakbaev B. МеніңатымҚожа. Балалықшаққасаяхат: novellette / B. Sokpakbaev, 2006. – 342 b.
  2. Sokpakbaev B. I’ll be back: stories and stories: trans. from Kazakh / B. Sokpakbaev, 1969. – 226 p.
  3. Sokpakbaev B. Journey to childhood: trans. from Kazakh / B. Sokpakbaev; lane M. Balykin, 1973. – 208 p.
  4. Sokpakbaev B. My name is Kozha: stories: trans. from Kazakh / B. Sokpakbaev, 1980. – 494 p.
  5. Sokpakbaev B. The dead do not return: a novel: trans. from Kazakh / B. Sokpakbaev; transl.: Yu. Dombrovsky, I. Shchegolikhin, 1984. – 288 p.
  6. Sokpakbaev B. Champion: stories: trans. from Kazakh / B. Sokpakbaev, 1985. – 283 p.
  7. Sokpakbaev B. Journey to childhood: stories: trans. from Kazakh / B. Sokpakbaev, 1990. – 478 p.




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