

Aug 04 2021

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Meet the new Web of Science interface



Clarivate announces that from July 7, when you enter the Web of Science platform, a new interface will open by default (which is also available in Russian). This important change will make it easier for you to find the information you are looking for and provide better access to search results.

Since November 2020, we have been testing the new interface and analyzing feedback from our users. With the help of this data, we have increased the intuitiveness of using the platform and offer researchers:

  • improved search functions
  • fast page loading
  • more structured interface
  • responsive design for working with the platform from mobile devices


If you have not yet had the opportunity to get acquainted with the new interface – watch the recording of the webinar dedicated to it and go to the main page of the new interface. The following functions will now be immediately available to you:

  • Authors’ Beamplot Charts
  • Extended work bibliography (Beta)
  • Information about grant support
  • More complete references to patents in articles
  • Static links to search results
  • Exporting up to 1000 records

For some time now, you will still be able to switch to the classic Web of Science interface through system settings.



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