

Jan 26 2013

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For readers

Rules of use KSTU library

General provisions

1. General Provisions of using library of Karaganda state technical university developed in accordance with regulations of University and regulates general order of service organization of readers (users) of library. Library funds are property of the University and provided at public using according to the given rules.

2. Users of the library

Right to use the library is let for two categories of users:

1. Students, undergraduates, students of colleges, the faculty, scientific and administrative-economic staff of university (permanent users).

2. Scientific staff and specialists national economy of the region, degree-seekers, trainees, applicants, other persons who visit library in individual order (permanent users).

3. Order of signing to the library

For signing to the library as regular user it is necessary to present student ID card or grade book with stamp of the current year and 1 (one) photo 3×4 sm., to fill in the reader’s record card.

The faculty, scientific staff, staff of the university present a reference from DPM, identification card (or substituting document), 1 (one) photo 3×4 sm., fill reader’s form, reader’s record card.

For signing to the library as temporary user it is necessary to show identification card and written request from work place or study with indication of purposes of the work and necessary subject themes to get permission of rector of the University.

4. Rights of the users

Users have right to:

-          get books home for temporary use, other works of press and materials fom library funds;

-         use bibliographic and reference-informational and other services rendered by library;

-          work with technical means presented by library;

-          use full-text documents at work from own or acquired electronic data base and e-catalog of Library by reading document from the monitor screen.

5. Order of using library materials

Issue of the literature is executed on the circulation department:

-academic literature is given for readers to one term.

-fiction and semi-popular literature is given for 14 days.

-few copied literature and literature of keen demand is given for 20 days.

User has not any right to:

-take literature and sign instead of other reader;

-take second copy of the same edition.

User must look through editions while getting books and in case of discovering of any defects to inform duty librarian about it. Otherwise a user, who used edition the last, takes responsibility for damage of books.

You can use literature in reading rooms without any right of taking away.

6. Procedure of use of Digital Library

Library provides access to the digital information resources of local access (formed by the library) and remote access (using the Internet). Full access to digital resources is available to students, faculty, scientific and administrative staff of University. Scientific staff and specialists national economy of the region, degree-seekers, trainees, applicants, other persons who visit library in individual order have read-only access to digital resources. User has a right to use digital library only for information search and and work, which is necessary for study process and scientific research.

7. Use of computers.

Computers in the library are used for search of information, mainly in educational and scientific aims. Part of computers is intended for search in e-catalog.

Damage or attempt to damage library computer equipment or other any equipment in the library will be considered as serious violation and guard and administration of University will be informed about it.

Users should refer to librarian of e-reading rooms in failures while working with computers. Independent change of any hardware and software configurations is not allowed.

Copy of the printed information on the media (removable USB media, CD/DVD, digital cameras and etc.) is allowed in amount sufficient for study, scientific work, in extent which doesn’t violate Law of the RK “About copyright and related rights”.

Floppy discs and other removable media of information must be checked for viruses before using them according to the State standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Protection of information. Requirements for design, installation, commissioning and ensuring security of information systems SТ RК 34.022-2006”.

8. Responsibilities of users

Users are obliged to:

-         Comply with requirements of these Rules;

-         Carefully treat library material, not to do marks on them, not to pull or bend pages, not to scratch surface of multimedia, not to take out materials form library without permission of the librarian;

-         Return literature, received from funds of the library in the set terms by library.

- in case of loss or damage of books, other printed works and materials from library funds, user is required to substitute them accordingly with the same works and materials or equivalent as recognized with library. If it is impossible to substitute lost or damaged books user must compensate their cost.

-at the dropout of university user must return all editions to the library.

-not to come into library in upper clothes and head dress.

-keep silent, cleanliness and order, not to use mobiles.

Users are deprived of the right to use Library for the term set by Library for violation of these Rules.


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