

Jan 26 2013

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For readers

Excerpt from the Rules for Using the Library of the JSC “Karaganda Technical University named after Abilkass Saginov”

  1. General Provisions

The libraryusage rules are developed in accordance with the University Charter and regulate the general procedures for servicing library users.

The library collections are the property of the university and are made available for public use in accordance with these Rules.

When visiting the library for the first time, the user must familiarize themselves with and adhere to these Rules.

  1. Library Users

The right to use the library is granted to two categories of readers:

2.1. Students, master’s and doctoral students, college students, faculty, research, and administrative staff of the university (permanent users).

2.2. External collaborators and other individuals visiting the library on an individual basis (temporary users).

  1. Library Registration Procedures

3.1. To register in the library as a permanent user, the following documents must be provided:

  • Students: student ID, university access card, 1 (one) 3×4 cm photo, filled out reader’s card, and category registration card.
  • Faculty and university staff: university access card, 1 (one) 3×4 cm photo, filled out reader’s card, and category registration card.

3.2. Upon receiving books, printed works, and other materials, readers must carefully inspect them and report any defects to the on-duty librarian. Otherwise, the responsibility for damaging the books lies with the reader who last used the item.

3.3. When leaving the university, readers must return all the books and materials they have checked out from the library.

  1. Rules for Using the Library’s Subscription

4.1. The right to use the library’s subscription is granted to all registered readers, college students, and employees of the university.

4.2. Literature is issued for a specified period on the delivery desk.

4.3. The usage period may be extended if there is no demand for the books and documents from other readers, or shortened if the publications are in a single copy or in high demand.

4.4. In case of late return, the reader loses the right to borrow literature for home use but can still use the reading rooms.

4.5. Temporary users are not served on delivery desks.

  1. Rules for Using the Library’s Reading Rooms

5.1. All users are served in the reading rooms upon presentation of a valid student ID or university access card.

5.2. First-year students are served upon presentation of an ID card until they receive a university access card.

5.3. Rare books, dissertation abstracts, research reports, and official documents are only available in the reading room. The issuance of unpublished materials (dissertations, research reports, etc.) and literature with restricted distribution is done following the established procedure (i.e., with written permission from the Vice-Rector for Research).

5.4. Readers have the opportunity to work in open access mode in the reading room collection, allowing them to independently find the necessary literature and review publications related to their research interests.

5.5. Publications taken from the library’s storage may be left on the reserve shelf for no more than 3 days. If the reader does not claim them within 3 days, the materials are returned to storage.

5.6. A computer is available for users to work independently, search for necessary literature in the electronic catalog, access the Electronic Library and remote resources, and use text, graphic editors, and software packages for academic tasks.

5.7. Copying printed materials to removable USB drives and digital cameras is permitted to the extent necessary for educational and research purposes, without violating the RK Law “On Copyright and Related Rights.”

5.8. Full copying of materials is allowed only in specific cases with the permission of the authors.

5.9. Readers are allowed to use their own laptops and digital cameras to copy information from materials provided to them.

5.10. Readers cannot take library books out of the reading room but may bring and use personal books.

  1. Electronic Document Delivery (EDD) is available.
  2. The library provides access to local electronic resources and remote network resources in accordance with the licensing agreements of the electronic resource providers.

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