

Jan 05 2022

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Webinar “Elsevier and Antiplagiarism to the author of a scientific publication”

December 13, 2021 at 15:30 (Nur-Sultan) Andrey Mikhailov (Elsevier) and Yuri Chekhovich (Antiplagiat) will hold a webinar for you on the topic: “Elsevier and Antiplagiat for the author of a scientific publication.”

Webinar program:

I. Mechanisms for selecting a journal for publication, taking into account the chosen publication strategy

Speaker: Andrey MIKHAILOV, Cand. geogr. Sci., Head of Elsevier Partner Programs in Russia and Eastern Europe

Each author forms his own publication strategy aimed at achieving the desired result. Taking into account different tasks, types of published documents, available time and other factors, the choice of journal will vary. As part of this webinar, we will look at several common mechanisms for selecting a journal and answer the question: How to choose a journal for your publication?

II. Preparing a manuscript for a scientific publication: how to avoid borrowing problems

Speaker: Yuri CHEKHOVICH, Cand. phys.-mat. Sci., Executive Director of Antiplagiat company

Today, when preparing a manuscript of a scientific article for submission to the journal, it is extremely important for a researcher to pay special attention to issues related to the correct formatting of borrowings. At the same time, it does not matter whether it is borrowing from the works of other authors or from their earlier ones. The main task is to correctly separate one’s own from the “foreign”, the new from the old. An indispensable assistant to the modern author in achieving this goal is the system of search for borrowings “Antiplagiat”.

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CERTIFICATES to all attendees attending the webinar from start to finish!

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