

Apr 26 2021

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Until June 30, 2020, access to the electronic library of the «Гребенников» Publishing House is provided.

The electronic library contains the full texts of 38 scientific and practical journals on marketing, management, finance and personnel management.
Access to electronic banking Grebennikon
• login start64
• JPI password
The search for materials can be carried out by magazines, headings, subheadings, as well as by titles / parts of titles. In the free mode, you can read articles and watch videos.


Until June 15, 2020, access to 17 full-text scientific databases of EBSCO Information Services companies is provided.
This list includes multidisciplinary and highly specialized databases, as well as e-book collections, news feeds, and more. Free access for an unlimited number of concurrent users will be organized at the link:
Login: monrk
Password: dostup2020!

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