

Jun 30 2023

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Clarivate released 2023 annual Journal Citation Reports

Highlights of the 2022 data include:


  • Over 21,500 high-quality journals from 254 research categories and 112 countries have been identified and awarded the JIF.It includes:
    • 13,668 scientific journals
    • 7,123 social science journals
    • 3248 arts and humanities magazines
  • More than 5,600 journals publish all their content in the public domain.
  • 9,136 journals receive the journal impact factor for the first time.

The JCR is based on 2022 data compiled from the Web of Science Core Collection, the leading collection of quality journals, books and conference proceedings in the world’s largest publisher-independent global citation database.Publications are judged by Clarivate’s global team of in-house editors using strict selection criteria.The data from the selected content is then carefully checked to ensure the accuracy of the JCR scores, along with a broad set of descriptive data.These insights allow researchers, publishers, editors, librarians, and sponsors to explore the key drivers of a journal’s value to different audiences.

Each journal profile in JCR provides a wide range of journal analytics, allowing users to filter and rank journals by category.These metrics include:

  • A journal citation indicator that is the category-normalized average citation impact of articles published in the previous three-year period.
  • An immediacy index that measures how often the journal’s content is cited in the same year as the publication.
  • The cited half-life, which is the average age in years of journal articles that were cited during the JCR year.
  • Journal impact factor, which scales the number of citations received according to recent content based on the size of the journal’s scientific output.
  • In addition, the journal’s citation reports include descriptive data such as open access content availability, major institutions, and regions.

To explore all available data, metrics, and analysis, visit the journal’s citation reports .For more information on this year’s edition, please refer to our blog .Changes in the 2023 release apply from this year;no changes will be made to previous years’ data.

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