

Jun 06 2024

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CiteScore 2023 scores are now available in Scopus!

The scientometric indicators of scientific publications for 2023 (SJR, CiteScore, SNIP) have been updated in the Scopus citation database. Accordingly, log quartiles and percentiles were updated.

Indicators are updated once a year. The next update is planned for June 2025.

The highest percentile of the journal and percentiles for individual subject categories (for which the publication is declared in Scopus) can be viewed in the journal’s profile (go to the “Sources” section and enter the journal name or ISSN in the search field).

  • Current: CiteScore Tracker is updated monthly. New titles in Scopus typically receive a CiteScore one year after being included in Scopus.
  • Clarity: (transparency, simplicity and ease of understanding): CiteScore offers complete transparency of the source data, in contrast to the opacity of JIF. Anyone can check the CiteScore by clicking on the numerator (quotes) and denominator (documents).
  • Free: Unlimited access (for Scopus subscribers and non-subscribers) to CiteScore with no barrier to adoption.

Source: Scopus blog

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