

Mar 13 2013

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Book provision sector

The records of book provision is formed in accordance with the curriculum and programmes.

Provides analysis of book provision of educational literature and informs University departments on condition of provision of disciplines, specialties.
• Informs departments about the release of novelties of educational literature (paste).
• Establishes and maintains the records of the book provision in ABIS IRBIS ARM «Book provision».
• Distributes books on disciplines, specialties, terms, forms of education, etc.
• Fills discipline provision card jointly with the departments (paste- card).
• Carries out the analysis of disciplines provision condition of educational and educational-methodical literature for pre-acquisition of the fund.

Location:  main building, № 138 auditorium

Head of book provision sector: Abdogaliyeva Farida Oralkhanovna

Phone: 56-59-35 (int. 2019)

Schedule of work

Monday – Thursday       8.30-17.30

Friday                             8.30-17.00

Lunch                              12.30-13.30

Saturday, Monday            day off

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