

Sep 05 2024

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Test access

The publishing house “ТОНКИЕ НАУКОЁМКИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ”(TNT) provided test access to its electronic library system from September 05th to October 05th 2024. You can get acquainted with the Electronic Library System at the link Access will be provided by IP address from any university computer through the library website.

Логотип ТНТ с названием

ELS TNT is a database containing educational and scientific literature of the TNT publishing house. The ELS is updated monthly with new modern books.

Readers have access to the collections of the electronic library system of the publishing house “Thin Science-intensive Technologies”, containing educational and scientific literature.

The presented books are focused on the areas and specialties of training students in a number of EGSD in the field of education “Engineering, technology and technical sciences” (in particular, the enlarged groups of specialties and directions “Materials Technology”, “Information security”, “Weapons and weapons systems”, “Electro- and Thermal Power Engineering”, “Mechanical Engineering”, “Computer Science and Computer Engineering”, “Applied Geology, Mining, oil and gas engineering and Geodesy”, “Photonics, Instrumentation, optical and biotechnical systems and Technologies”), “Mathematical and Natural Sciences”, “Humanities”, “Healthcare and Medical Sciences”, “Agriculture and agricultural sciences”, “Social Sciences”, “Education and Pedagogical Sciences”.

ELS books (textbooks, workshops, albums, collections of tasks, workbooks, study kits) allow you to support the provision of the educational space with the latest knowledge, methodological and scientific developments of specialists in Kazakhstan. ELS is an interuniversity development that makes it possible to gain a good outlook.

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