On the Library website you can familiarize yourself with full-text articles of journal “News of higher education institutions. Construction” from Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Goal of the journal – promoting progress of construction and architecture through scientific and information support of theoretical and empirical research development in construction sciences, architecture and urban planning fields of study.
Primary objectives:
- To familiarize readers with scientific research results, current state and development prospects of construction sciences, architecture theory and urban planning;
- To make it possible to publish new scientific research results on construction sciences, architecture and urban planning problems;
- Keeping up with academic standards and maintaining relevance of published materials by means of qualified peer review, quality editorial preparation of articles, information openness and accessibility of publications;
- Organization of scholarly discussions in different fields of construction sciences;
- Information about scientific-technical and innovative developments of authors’ collectives of higher educational institutions and about the possibilities of their introduction into production.