

Mar 13 2013

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Scientific-technical documentation room

Has the fund:
- normative documents: state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan; international standards; interstate standards; national standards of the Russian Federation; industry standards; national classifications, guidelines, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization in traditional and electronic form.
- patent documentation: official patent bulletins of the USSR and Russia, the official patent bulletins of the RK, reference magazines «Invention of the countries of the world», annual indexes to the official Bulletin of the USSR, annual pointers of foreign countries; descriptions of the patent documents for inventions, legislative and normative documents of the RK in the field of protection of industrial property and copyright;
- periodicals.
Provides access to:
-Database «Standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan»,
-Database of the information system «Technormative»,
-Database«Patents of Kazakhstan».
It is located in the main building, 250 audience.

Contact information

Engineer of NTD room standardization

Cherkasova Natalia Alexeyevna

Phone: 56-59-35 (int. 2003),


Engineer on NTD room patenting

Gabiger Tatyana Viktorovna

Phone: 56-59-35 (int. 2003)



Schedule of the work

Mon-Thu  8.30 – 17.30
Friday 8.30-17.00
Saturday, Sunday — day off

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