

Oct 19 2022

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IPR Media provided our university with free test access to a unique educational platform for training personnel in the digital economy DATALIB.RU until 10/31/22.

Content of DATALIB.RU includes:

  • over 2,000 publications on end-to-end technologies and knowledge sectors selected in accordance with the digital transformation strategy for key sectors of the economy;
  • for 3,000 disciplines;
  • about 800 publications on the basics of computer science and programming, combinatorics; educational technologies;
  • at least 10% of publications are included in the platform as part of the “Digital University Library” contest, launched by IPAr Media and supported by Innopolis University.


In addition to the digital library, the platform includes unique video lectures recorded as part of the “Lecture Hall.DATALIB” project – exclusive educational content on end-to-end digital technologies from industry leaders.


What you need to start working on the platform right now:

  1. Watch the webinar in the recording on working with the platform at the link:
  2. Register remotely on the site:
  3. For identification, enter the login password kRUZaaX5


After identification, the system will offer to go through personal registration to work in the Personal Account and come up with your original password.

  1. Now you can use all the features of the DATALIB.RU platform!

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