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Web of Science Webinars – First Series of 2020


January 2020 Schedule

Resources of Web of Science Group Resources for Effective Research and Analysis

Scientometrics: what, why, for whom

Goals, tasks, possibilities of scientometry. The analyzed data and their limitations. Key indicators: impact factor, h-index, CNCI, etc. Correct and incorrect application, fakes and myths, causes and effects. Open access. Possibilities of scientometrics for the country, organization and scientist. Author profiles (Publons, Orcid) and organization profile: opportunities, creation, adjustment. Answers to questions from students.

- January 22, Wednesday 10:00 – 11:30 (Moscow time) – holds Ph.D. Irina Tikhonkova

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- January 23, Thursday 14:00 – 15:30 (Moscow time) – holds Ph.D. Irina Tikhonkova

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Web of Science Platform Features for Scientist and Magazines

Search and analysis of scientific literature on the Web of Science platform. Identification of significant works, scientists, organizations, magazines, analysis of grant support. Evaluation of the research topic, search for partners, saving results. The structure, content and selection of materials for the Web of Science platform. Features of the Web of Science Core Collection and Russian Science Citation Index databases. The procedure and criteria for selecting / excluding magazines in the Web of Science Core collection.

Invited speaker Pavel Arefyev from the Scientific Electronic Library will talk about the partnership of eLIBRARY.RU and Clarivate Analytics; about the content, features and procedure for selecting magazines for the Russian Science Citation Index. Answers to questions from students.

- January 23, Thursday 10:00 – 11:30 (Moscow time) – conduct Ph.D. Irina Tikhonkova and the head of the analytical department of the Scientific Electronic Library Pavel Gennadevich Arefyev

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- January 24, Friday 14:00 – 15:30 (Moscow time) – conduct Ph.D. Irina Tikhonkova and the head of the analytical department of the Scientific Electronic Library Pavel Gennadevich Arefyev

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Scientist’s Publication Strategy

The purpose and objectives of the publication. Types of documents and their functions. Quality criteria for scientific publications. Business models of the publication. Publication process. Evaluation and selection of the publication, where and how to publish for free. Dates of publication. The structure of the experimental article. Making manuscripts according to magazine format (EndNote). Peer review. Why articles are rejected. What is unacceptable in scientific communication. Distribution of the publication. Checking indexing of publications in the Web of Science Core Collection. Bonus: about predatory publications, how not to become their victim. Answers to questions from students.

- January 24, Friday 10:00 – 11:30 (Moscow time) – holds Ph.D. Irina Tikhonkova

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- January 22, Wednesday 14:00 – 15:30 (Moscow time) – holds Ph.D. Irina Tikhonkova

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We are waiting for you at our seminars!

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