

Dec 10 2019

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Web of Science Webinars November 2019


Clarivate Analytics will participate in the next series of webinars from December 16 to 24, 2019.

New Series: Web of Science Group Resources for Effective Science

Scientometrics for beginners

History of scientometry. Targets and goals. Data for analysis and their limitations. Basic indicators. Correct and incorrect application, causes and effects. Opportunities for the country, organization and scientist. Web of Science Platform: Feature Overview. Fakes and myths about scientometry. Answers to questions from students.

- December 16, Monday 09:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- December 18, Wednesday 12:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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Web of Science Platform Capabilities for Effective Science

Search and analysis of scientific literature. Identification of significant works, scientists, organizations, journals, analysis of grant support. Evaluation of the research topic, search for partners, saving results. Work in the main collection and specialized databases. Basic, advanced and search in article literature. Answers to questions from students.

- December 17, Tuesday 09:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- December 19, Thursday 12:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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Scientist Publication Strategy

Quality criteria for scientific publications. Business models of the publication. Where and how to find a free magazine. The publishing process. The choice of publication. The structure of the article. Making manuscripts according to magazine format. Peer review. Why articles are rejected. What is unacceptable in scientific communication. Distribution of the publication. Journal Citation Reports, EndNote, Master Journal List. Answers to questions from students.

- December 18, Wednesday 09:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- December 16, Monday 12:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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Presentation of the achievements of the author and organization

Author profiles of scientist Publons | ResearcherID, ORCID, Researchgate and Organization-enhanced profile: features, functions, limitations, creation and adjustment. Is it possible to influence the citation of works. Reports on the publication activities for a group of scientists / organizations for the required period of time in EndNote. Answers to questions from students.

- December 19, Thursday 09:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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- December 17, Tuesday 12:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Irina Tikhonkova

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Series: Practical Guidelines for Publishing in International Journals

How to prepare a publication for an international magazine

Expectations of the editor. The main reasons for the failure of the publication. Work with revisions of reviewers. The structure of the scientific article. Practical tips for writing the main sections. Distinctive features of academic English. Drawing up annotations. Writing headlines. The choice of keywords.

- December 20, Friday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

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EndNote Bibliography Features

The process of preparing an article for submission to an international journal. Magazine requirements for publication. Create your own bibliographic database using EndNote Online. Sorting records, creating groups and controlling access to them. Using bibliography design templates. Using the Cite-While-You-Write module for Microsoft Word and creating a list of references directly when writing text.

- December 23, Monday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

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How to learn to understand international magazines

Indicators of a quality scientific publication. Impact factor and quartiles. Creating a list of thematic publications for publication using Web of Science, EndNote (Match) and Journal Citation Reports. The concept of a predatory (garbage, unscrupulous) magazine and its main features. Examples of predatory newsletters: how to check where you were asked to send an article.

- December 24, Tuesday 10:00 (Moscow time) – conducted by Valery Kurmakaev

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We are waiting for you at our seminars! Our website

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