

Nov 20 2019

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«Әл-Фараби ізімен» — “In the footsteps of al-Farabi”

An important area of the «Рухани жаңғыру» program is the preservation of the cultural code of the nation. Among the great names noted in the article by Елбасы «Семь граней Великой степи» (“The Seven Faces of the Great Steppe”), the name Al-Farabi was the first to be named. His legacy is the property of world civilization.
Al-Farabi was called the “second teacher” after Aristotle. He left behind a rich scientific heritage – about 200 treatises that cover a wide variety of branches of knowledge.
Of the original works, the most famous are the treatise “The Pearls of Wisdom”, “The Treatise on the Views of the Residents of a Virtuous City”, “The Philosophical Treatises” and “The Big Book of Music”, which brought him fame in medieval Europe.

As part of the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of al-Farabi, the university library, together with the department of the ANKiSGD, organized a book exhibition “Әл-Фараби ізімен ” – “In the footsteps of al-Farabi.”
Rare books from the library stock were presented at the exhibition, such as “Selected Treatises of al-Farabi”, “Mathematical Treatises”, “Logical Treatises”, “On Mind and Science” and others. Researches and articles from periodicals about the great scientist were presented.


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