

Mar 13 2013

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Scientific literature subscription for senior students

It has a fund of educational and scientific literature on natural, technical and social sciences in traditional and electronic media in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages according to the profile of the University, a fund of normative and technical documentation.

It is located in the room 146, Main Building.

Contact Information

Head undergraduate service sector

Kuanyshbaeva Saule Sovetovna

Work phone 56-59-32 (sun 1059)

Email address:

Working hours

Monday – Thursday 8.30 – 17.30 (working hours of the service from 9.30-17.30)

Friday – 8.30 – 17.00 (working hours of the service from 9.30-17.00)

Saturday 9.00 – 15.00

Sunday is a day off

Last Thursday of the month – cleaning day

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