

Mar 05 2013

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Methodological and bibliographic department

The department provides methodological guidance and provides methodological assistance in organizing library and information work to library departments, develops normative and regulatory documentation, compiles a summary table of statistical data on the library’s activities, monitors the implementation of plans and methodological recommendations, takes measures to improve the skills of librarians, identifies and disseminates innovative working methods.

Provides reference, bibliographic and informational services to readers in accordance with the directions of educational and scientific work of the university.

Head of department Ponomareva Galina Shamilevna

Main building, room 254

Work phone 56-59-32 (Sun 2020), email address:

Working hours

Monday – Thursday 8.30 – 17.30

Friday – 8.30 – 17.00

Saturday – 9.00 – 15.00

last Thursday of the month – cleaning day

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